Dermal Fillers and Beauty

Fillers are not simply softening a fold here and there anymore. It is truly an exciting time to be able to provide precise facial enhancements. Freshen up and restore youth to your skin with soft tissue fillers.
These fillers are made of a substance called HA , Hyaluronic acid, which helps to provide the cushion and youthfulness to your skin. One aspect of aging is a loss of your skin’s natural HA. Replacing it restores a youthful look and beauty to your skin.
Currently, there are so many variations available that it might seem overwhelming which product is right for you. As a plastic surgeon with a natural artistic eye for beauty; Dr. Small sees these choices, as an artist looks at a color pallete, and chooses the most appropriate one for the most elegant beautiful result. These results can truly be amazing and something that can be tailored to your needs with a finesse which was unthought of even 3-5 years ago.
To determine what is best for you we recommend scheduling a personalized consultation with us for a free facial analysis. At your visit, we will give you some choices as to what are your best options. However, it is nice to know what some of the possibilities are and this article will touch on a few of the many options we have to make you look and feel your best.
Fillers are office treatments which take about 20 minutes. Usually, you can return to full activities immediately with minimal to no downtime.
Fuller cheeks are a sign of youth and beauty and with Juvederm Voluma® it can restore the fullness for 1-2 years. Why Voluma® and not Juvederm Vollure®, or Juvederm Volbella® ? The answer is in how the HA is combined which determines it’s firmness and fullness for a particular facial enhancement. As a result, Voluma is FDA approved for cheeks and it is too thick for the cheek fold or lips.
Fuller Lips – Luscious, defined lips that don’t look overdone can truly be obtained with Juvederm Volbella® and Restlyane Silk®. These are two great products that can give a silky smooth look to your upper and lower lip. The results last about 6 months to a year and the “smoker” lines around the lips can be treated with these two great options as well.
The Parenthesis or cheek fold around the nose and mouth can be treated with Juvederm® which last 6 months to one year or Juvederm Vollure® which can last up to 18 months.
Eye Hollowness can be treated with Restylane Silk®. This product while FDA approved around the lips has been used safely to soften that hollow tired look around the eyes. This will give a nice 6 month to one year improvement.
Sunken cheeks and hollowness on the sides of the forehead can be treated in the most natural way with your own body fat cells, adipocytes, by lipofilling. Since it is your own body fat it provides a natural cushion without any risk of allergic reaction or rejection. These treatments retain on average about 50% of the result at one year.
There are many more options but these are just some of the possibilities. Give us a call at Ocean Plastic Surgery in New Jersey to learn more or schedule your complimentary consultation today.
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