Should You Start Getting BOTOX® in Your 20s, 30s or 40s?
Should You Start Getting BOTOX® in Your 20s, 30s or 40s?

BOTOX® has become one of the most popular wrinkle treatments currently available, but many people are unsure about when they should think about getting their first treatment. While the answer ultimately depends on your unique situation and goals, there are a few factors that go into deciding the best age to get BOTOX. What’s the […]
Can You Have a Baby after Labiaplasty? Should You Wait until After?

While labiaplasty procedures are generally more common after pregnancy and childbirth, some women may consider having the surgery before having a baby or starting their family. In many of these cases, feelings of discomfort or even embarrassment are just some of the reasons they choose to not wait until after they are done having children […]
A Look at the Pros & Cons of Your Breast Implant Options

When considering cosmetic surgery such as breast augmentation, you’ll want to take your time researching your options in order to get the best possible outcome. The decision isn’t always easy, so before you decide on which breast augmentation options to choose, take a look at our list of breast implant options pros and cons. Silicone […]
4 Tips for Better Liposuction Results

Liposuction is an investment in your body and in the figure you’ve always wanted. After surgery, you want to protect your investment by following these tips for better liposuction results. 1. Exercise Regularly If you’re a person who exercised regularly before your liposuction procedure, you’re already a step ahead of the game. While you will have […]
Dermal Fillers and Beauty

Fillers are not simply softening a fold here and there anymore. It is truly an exciting time to be able to provide precise facial enhancements. Freshen up and restore youth to your skin with soft tissue fillers. These fillers are made of a substance called HA , Hyaluronic acid, which helps to provide the cushion […]
Lipofilling: Your New Best Friend

Are you looking for a way to smooth away signs of aging or enhance a certain area of the body without surgery? If so, lipofilling may be the right option for you. This procedure actually takes fat cells from one area of the body and places them into another, to give you a smoother, more […]
Ins and Outs of the Mommy Makeover

If you are looking for a dramatic way to restore your body after pregnancy and childbirth have taken their toll, a mommy makeover might be the right option for you. This surgery actually combines procedures to produce the specific results each individual patient is looking for. A mommy makeover is an attractive option for many […]
Which Breast Implants are Right for Me?

Women that have made the decision to undergo breast augmentation have many more decisions in store before they are ready for their procedure. One of the biggest choices they will have to make is the type of breast implant they want to use for their procedure. With a variety of implant options to choose from […]
No More Tattoo Regrets

As tattoos have become more prevalent today, so has tattoo regret. By some estimates, as many as 20 percent of people with body ink end up regretting their decision at some point. Fortunately, those suffering from tat regret can now say goodbye to that art more comfortably and effectively than ever before. At , we […]